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- Hasmonean
Dynasty - Under the Western
Wall - Maccabees
Bible - Herodian
Dynasty - Judea and Samaria
Israel - Hasmonean
Period - Hasmonean
Kingdom - Antiochus III
The Great - Building the Second
Temple - Ancient Jewish
History - Ostia Antica
Roma - Ancient Fortress
of Masada - History of Seleucid
Empire - Jerusalem Temple
Layout - Antipater
1 - Rome
Judea - Maccabean
Revolt - Roman
Ruins - Ptolemaic
Coins - The Second Temple
of Jerusalem - First Book of
Maccabees - Maccabees
Catholic - King
Herod - 1st Century
Jerusalem - Israel War of
Independence - Who Built Masada
Fortress - Kingdom of
Judah Maps - First Century Jerusalem
Roads - Historical
Herod - Simon
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