The ACME Chartmaker. The ACME Annotator. Twoday, shows you what you tweeted on this day in past years. Learn how to set up a FreeBSD firewall. An HTML sampler, and a colormap sampler. Unicode characters. Unicode Transformations. Unicode Decoder. One Month, a single calendar page. Toys and amusements: The ACME Label Maker. The ACME License Maker.
ACME Planimeter. Measure areas! Notes: The page remembers your most recent position/zoom/map-type for the next time you visit. If you haven't visited before, it tries to figure out your location based on your internet address. The area computation is done using spherical geometry, so it's correct for large regions. ...
What Does ACME Mean? We get this question a lot, here at ACME Labs. The dictionary definition is: "the top", or "the highest point", or just "perfection". This is straight from Greek. (Greek mythology also includes a nymph named Acme.) Apparently some early business school textbooks liked to use Acme as a business name in some of their examples.
ACME Labs is proud to make available a variety of software, all free, some trivial, some massive, all high-quality. ACME-brand Unix software: ablog , a simple personal weblog maker. is now running Clam AV, an anti-worm/virus mail filter. Before installing this we were getting about three worms per second, using up about 1/4 of the DSL line's bandwidth. Clam AV rejects them earlier in the mail transaction, saving some CPU cycles and [...]