Results near Columbus, Ohio ·
  1. View Store Purchases and Find Receipts -…

    Scan your store receipt with the Walmart app. 1. Open your Walmart app. 2. In the search bar, select the barcodeicon. 3. Scan the barcode on your receipt. Checkout in-store with a payment that’s saved in your account. 1. Store purchases will automatically appear in your purchase history if the name on your credit card matches the name o...


    If your in-store purchase aren’t showing in your Purchase History and you don’t have the receipt, access the receipt lookup tool. Make sure you have these details so we can find your receipt: 1. ZIP code or city and state of the store location where you made your purchase. 2. Purchase date and total receipt amount. 3. Use your financial statement t...

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    You can use the barcode at the bottom of your order on or in the Walmart app (top right) in Purchase Historyas a proof of purchase. 1. Select Account. 2. Select Purchase History. 3. Select the desired purchase. 4. Scroll down to view totals and payment information. 5. The bar code at the bottom serves as your proof of purchase. To print...

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