writing style - Emphasising that a date is near - English Language ...
For example, suppose today is the 22 of May and there is the submission date for a project is on the 25 of May. I could just say: As the deadline of the submission is on the 25 of May, we …
time - How to express worry about a near date? - English …
Mar 16, 2017 · As the agreed-upon date/deadline is quickly/rapidly approaching, I was wondering if you have any news/updates for me. Note that in the above sentence, it's your choice …
word choice - date has already passed OR date has already past ...
Aug 20, 2014 · The date has already passed, or the past date. Past: Usage: The past participle of pass is sometimes wrongly spelt past: the time for recriminations has passed (not past) The …
Is there any rule of order for time, date, place, building, etc?
Jun 18, 2014 · I sent an email to confirm my meeting with a person which specified time, date, place, and building on the email like below: I would like to meet you at 5pm this Sunday in …
Is there a word, other than "event," for a due date you put in your ...
Jun 1, 2021 · But it feels there should be a difference between a "due date" and an event that is "something that happens" or "an activity you want to attend." One could argue that the due …
"at event" vs. "on event" - English Language & Usage Stack …
The usual usage of "on event" is synonymous to "in case of event", common in IT - an event happens, like mouse click, and an operation is performed 'on event', meaning when mouse is …
"Happens on" vs "Falls on" a particular date. What is the difference?
Sep 30, 2018 · Exactly what I was thinking. Idiomatically, you say "it falls on the 4th this year" when an event's date is variable. However, physical occurrences such as the solstice seem to …
If an event "ends on" a day, does the day constitute a part of the …
Dec 20, 2014 · If I loaned someone some item, and I told them that their possession of the item "ends on 2014/12/31", would 2014/12/31 be part of the time that they still have possession of …
What do you call a combination of date and time? [duplicate]
Dec 22, 2015 · Though perhaps awkward in some contexts, timestamp does fit your desired meaning. The date and time at which an event occurs or occurred, usually indicated in human …
Single word stating event date has changed
May 13, 2016 · As I wrote I do not (or not always) know if the event is postponed or not. E.g. a year before a preliminary calendar is made. Later they find date collisions. So the next state is …