Kinect for xbox series X - Microsoft Community
Jan 15, 2022 · As of the moment, there is no information yet if there will be a new accessory for Xbox Series X|S which means that we just need to wait for an update from them if there will be. Give back to the Community.
Kinect Alternatives for the Series X - Microsoft Community
Feb 13, 2021 · I understand that the Kinect is not functional (even with the adapter) on the Series X. This is unfortunate, as I use mine everyday. For those of you who have already made the switch: what alternatives are there for the following Kinect features: Voice Commands: commands such as "xbox on" and "xbox volume up" are used frequently by my family.
Kinect 2.0 for xbox series X/s - Microsoft Community
Feb 1, 2022 · The Kinect line has been permanently discontinued as of 2017 and has no plans to be revisited unfortunately. The device can still be utilized with adapters (or with a little ingenuity) with limited capabilities on PC through the Kinect 2.0 SDK. But as for any use on Xbox Series S/X, it is highly unlikely to happen.
Kinect games on Xbox series X - Microsoft Community
Aug 27, 2022 · Kinect games on Xbox series X Is there any plans to make kinect games backward compatible since the kinect (and adapter) do not work on Xbox series X? I would really like to play my Dance Central games but I'm told my …
Kinect on series x - Microsoft Community
Jan 11, 2020 · I've heard that the new Xbox will be backwards compatible with all accessories for the One, One S, and One X, but I know that Xbox is trying to phase out Kinect support. There's been no official word yet on whether or not new consoles will support the Kinect, but as it is an Xbox One accessory, it may still be supported.
Xbox series x kinect backward compatibility - Microsoft Community
Oct 30, 2020 · Kinect was the only reason I have chosen Xbox in 2011 and I was already disappointed when Xbox One came out with no support of old Kinect games. I'm never gonna be a regular gamer sitting on couch and playing shooting games with a controller, will keep my 2 old boxes and play with friends Kinect games since it is more a team play and more fun ...
Is the Xbox One Kinect compatible with the Series X|S
Sep 24, 2020 · The Kinect for Xbox One discontinued in 2017, but according to Microsoft "all the Xbox One accessories and peripherals are compatible with the Series X|S" but Phil Spencer said "the Kinect is no longer supported". Now I have this doubt.
Rever retornar com Kinect para Xbox series S e X com potencial …
May 30, 2022 · Olá, primeiro é um prazer poder ajudá-lo hoje. Meu nome é Georges C. bem-vindo à comunidade. Olá SNeke_FiSher, entendo seu ponto e vista e tenho a certeza que muitas pessoas também, entretanto antes mesmo do lançamento da nova geração de consoles a Microsoft já havia informado que a nova geração não iria reconhecer os dispositivos kinect nem mesmo com adaptador.
Xbox series X has not kinect? - Microsoft Community
Oct 8, 2020 · Hello, I would like to ask if new console XSX will have kinect or camera any sort? I want to buy new gaming console and because of old games what I liked many years ago on xbox 360 I prefered new xbox. Unfortunately I read that XSX has not support kinect at all.
Will you reviev the xbox kinect - Microsoft Community
Dec 14, 2024 · Please recreate the kinect for xbox series x and release kinect sport season 1 and 2 as a ultimate pack with all dlc included,new graphics new game for kinect and the continue for kinect sport saga kinect sport season 3 ,i think for that many uears wich this francise freeze its a new oportunity to reinvent the kinect for us old player and for ...