It has emerged that the Secretary General of Ornamental Fish International (OFI), Dr. Alex Ploeg, was among those killed in the Malaysia Airlines plane crash above Ukraine last week. In a press ...
Do you know your Bach from your Stravinsky? It would appear that goldfish do… A new study reveals that goldfish can tell the difference between music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach and Igor ...
Scientists have described six new species from the Siamese fighting fish genus, Betta. All of the fishes have been described from the freshwaters of Borneo and five of them have previously been sold ...
Matt Clarke on the Hora danio, Devario shanensis. Common name: Hora danio. Scientific name: Devario shanensis (Hora, 1928). Origin: Myanmar (Burma). According to museum records, this species was first ...
A new study of tubifex worms has highlighted their potential to introduce harmful diseases. These oligochaete worms, which are often collected from sewage-contaminated mud, are a popular food for ...