Forests are habitats for thousands of animals and species. In Canada, ranges of more than 400 species overlap with forests.
They're the armoured tanks of the natural world. With their mighty jaws and muscular build, snapping turtles are Canada’s largest freshwater turtle. What does the snapping turtle look like? Snapping ...
Juste à temps pour la saison des cadeaux, Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) est ravi d’annoncer un généreux don de terre fait par une famille d’Alberta. Margaret Van De Pitte et son défunt mari, ...
En panne d’inspiration à l’approche des Fêtes? L’idée d’éviter la cohue des centres commerciaux vous plaît? Cette année, Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) vous propose d’offrir la nature en ...
Un habitat naturel de 24 hectares est protégé pour la rainette faux-grillon à l’ouest de la ville de Gatineau Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) protège l’habitat essentiel de la rainette ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a leader in conservation science and planning. Learn more about some of the concepts and terms behind our work, or download some of our conservation planning ...
Located in Lake Huron, the internationally significant Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater island in the world. It supports some of the highest quality alvar habitat on the planet, ...
Large, gnarled oaks stand guard in the Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve (CGOP), weathering the wind and rain of West Coast winters. They provide shelter for gartersnakes, black-tailed deer and a variety of ...
Most places under NCC's care welcome visitors. Please check site-specific pages on this website for access information and any special restrictions. Visitors accessing this property using the Wetland ...
What does it look like? Zebra mussels are freshwater mussels measuring around 2.5 centimetres long on average, but can grow up to four centimetres. They are named for the dark, striped pattern on ...
This is Ontario’s only venomous snake. Despite its fearsome reputation, the massasauga rattlesnake is shy and docile, and avoids human contact whenever possible. If threatened, the species is most ...