With the general election now a distant memory, and two months into the Labour Party’s victory, the ever-evolving battle of … ...
Contents Summary Until very recently, Britain’s National Health Service used to be beyond argument. The reverence for the ...
To paraphrase the old adage, ‘if you’re not a socialist by 25, you have no heart, and if you’re not … Continue reading ...
Kristian Niemietz argues that European Social Health Insurance systems consistently outperform the NHS in health outcomes & waiting times.
As the new UK government embraces mission-driven government, Harrison Griffiths exposes the hidden costs of such top-down economic planning.
The last government occasionally paid homage to individual freedom, but pursued heavy-handed policies from seeking to ban ...
In this episode of the IEA Podcast, host Reem Ibrahim is joined by Tom Clougherty, Executive Director, and Kristian Niemietz, Editorial Director, to discuss pressing issues in UK policy. The ...
The IEA is an educational charity and free market think tank. Our mission is to improve understanding of the fundamental institutions of a free society by analysing and expounding the role of markets ...
For at least two reasons, The New Right Enlightenment. Young Writers on “The Spectre Haunting the Left” (1985) is an unfortunate book title. The first reason has to do with timing. According to Google ...