We are delighted to present the inaugural Frontiers in Chemical Biology – 'In Celebration of Women in Chemical Biology: 2023’ ...
Kovo 21-ąją UNESCO paskelbė Pasauline poezijos diena. Nuo 2000 m. ji švenčiama daugelyje pasaulio šalių, tarp jų ir Lietuvoje ...
Visos teisės saugomos. © 2008 UAB „15min“. Kopijuoti, dauginti bei platinti galima tik gavus raštišką UAB „15min“ sutikimą.
Over 60 and ready for an adventure? These cities are the best in the world for trips for seniors. One of the wonderful things ...
Kovo 11-ąją, 21 val. LRT Televizijos eteryje – Vyriausybės inicijuotas vizualinis koncertas „Naktis Vilniaus Čiurlionio oro uoste“.
Traveling to Europe can be expensive, especially if you're headed to a major city. This stunning Baltic gem, however, gives ...
The UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia and the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia-Pacific Region (WHITRAP Suzhou) are pleased to launch the “World Heritage Young Masters ...
Beyond its spas, Riga is rich in history and architectural beauty, with highlights such as the Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage ... be combined with Tallinn or Vilnius.” Another user, Valerie ...
From severing energy ties with Russia to making waves in Hollywood and redefining luxury cuisine with its coveted Baltic amber, Lithuania is proving that country size is no barrier to influence.
On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, Ms. Lilas Desquiron presented her credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Ms. Audrey ...