After handing Gov. Ron DeSantis two stunning and unprecedented defeats, and then facing a storm of criticism on social media, ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Target's rollback on diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives is raising questions about the retail ...
Yes, the ad campaigns. Whether they're creating viral pop culture moments or simply announcing new brand ambassadorship, they offer a complete image of a universe you could step into— and the pieces ...
Pharmaceutical company Novartis will make its Super Bowl debut with a 60-second spot highlighting breast cancer awareness.
Channel 4 is the new sponsor of KISS Breakfast, marking the first time that the broadcaster is sponsoring the Bauer Media ...
A frequent example is an ad that plays before you see the video, followed by a “Skip Ad” button after five seconds. That is known as pre-roll video advertising. However, with so many commercials ...
With the OpenWrap SDK in your app, you can use the PubMatic platform to control, monitor, and optimize your ad inventory’s financial performance. It enables mobile app developers to maximize their ...
The new dates were chosen to be April 26 and 27, 2025, when the new sponsorship agreement was signed between the city and festival organizers. That sponsorship agreement was reached on November 15 ...
NASA's beleaguered Mars Sample Return program currently faces extreme costs of up to $11 billion and a timeline that could reach 2040. The year 2025 isn't even a week old and NASA is already ...
The fresh call comes after the Malinauskas government in South Australia introduced a policy banning the advertisement of unhealthy food and drink on public transport. Greens senator Sarah Hanson ...
The page will automatically reload. You may need to reload again if the build takes longer than expected. Hides preview environment warning banner on preview pages. Select a theme and theme mode ...
Due to the high number of interested sponsors compared to the limited available spots, the PGP employs a lottery system to send invitations to apply to individuals who have submitted an interest to ...