Though less common, shingles may develop as a rash that crosses multiple dermatomes. Dermatomes are separate skin areas that are supplied by separate spinal nerves. When the rash affects three or ...
Imagine a pain in your face that is so intense you can’t talk, eat or move. It’s called trigeminal neuralgia, and up to 15,000 people a year are diagnosed with it. When medications don’t ...
That said, there are some people who get shingles more than once. Here’s how it happens: the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox, lies dormant in nerve cells after you ...
When infected by the varicella zoster virus (also known as shingles), persistent neuropathic (nerve-associated) pain is far more common than loss of sensation. The maxillary nerve is the second of ...
The trigeminal ganglion is also called the Gasserian ganglion, semilunar ganglion, or Gasser's ganglion. It is part of the trigeminal nerve, which gathers sensory stimuli from the head and face and ...
"So, shingles is the chicken pox virus that comes out later in life, it usually comes out in one dermatome or one nerve distribution, so it will look like a stripe on your chest, your face," said ...
Sometimes, it can be mistaken for a heart, kidney or lung issue. “If shingles involves the cranial nerves of the head, a person could experience facial paralysis, severe headache, changes in ...
We can reset our nervous system – and that starts with understanding the vagus nerve The vagus nerve is a major nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. Image: iStock The vagus nerve is a ...