Shell has reached positive FID on the Gato do Mato development in Block S-M-518 of Santos basin presalt, offshore Brazil.
European supermajor Shell has taken a final investment decision for the Gato do Mato project in the deepwater section of ...
Shell's subsidiary made FID for Gato do Mato project in Brazil's pre-salt region, with estimated 370M barrels and expected ...
Shell is investing in Gato do Mato, a Brazilian deep-water project designed to produce up to 120,000 barrels of oil a day. Shell said Friday its Brazilian subsidiary Shell Brasil Petróleo plans to ...
Context matters. These events are even more unsettling given the recent U.S. vote with Russia in the United Nations and the ...
Shell completed the divestment of its Niger Delta subsidiary to a Nigerian consortium, in a $1.3 billion transaction previously held back by regulators.
Shell says it delivered a record 1.1M tons of liquefied natural gas to power ships in 2024, boosting the use of a fuel that ...
While it emits less carbon than oil-derived ship propellant, LNG is still a fossil fuel and has been criticized for releasing emissions of super-potent methane.
In a single, disconcerting moment, everything shifted. It defies explanation: harsh authoritarianism—sometimes cloaked in a pitiless communist guise—now stands as the model to emulate. As unlikely as ...
Sawan highlighted the growing importance of LNG in meeting energy demand, particularly in Asia, and underscored the role of ...
UK supermajor Shell has flowed first oil from Phase 4 of its deepwater Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East (GKGJE) project in Malaysian and Bruneian waters.