Bollywood actor and director Satish Kaushik has died at the age of 66 in India's capital Delhi. His nephew Nishaan Kaushik told BBC Hindi that the actor suffered a heart attack on Thursday morning.
Arjun Kapoor is the son of producer Boney Kapoor and late Mona Kapoor. Boney married actor Sridevi in 1996 when Arjun was 10 ...
Apart from Kangana Ranaut, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Choudhary and late Satish Kaushik also star in the film.
Arjun Kapoor recently made a rare comment about his late stepmother, the renowned Bollywood actress Sridevi. In a conversation with Galatta India's official YouTube channel, The Lady Killer star ...
The actor also mentioned how he started his career ... This is the same place where Satish Kaushik’s play “Us Par Ka Nazara” which was an adaptation of Arthur Miller’s play, A View From ...
Satish Kaushik’s fans who have missed the theatrical run can now turn into Jio Cinema to watch MIRG and savour one of his final performances. MIRG, a captivating thriller that defies genre ...
Navratri 2024: 9 forms of Goddess Durga, names, powers and how to worship 60% of people are not consuming these 4 key nutrients vital for heart, bone, and immunity 'Divorce on Instagram': Who is ...