Viral posts suggest Google Maps imagery shows a human trafficking plea in L.A., but police say there's no evidence of ...
A search for Beit Hanoun in Google Maps will reveal a massive Star of David carved into the ground of former farmland in ...
Maharashtra-based agritech startup MapMyCrop uses AI and satellite imagery to help farmers and wholesalers track crops, ...
Google Maps turns 20 on February 8, marking two decades since its desktop debut in 2005. What started as a simple tool to ...
Fire spotters used to watch with binoculars from forest towers. Now, technology can help forecast fire behavior, but human ...
According to the U.S. National Ice Center —the global entity that names, tracks and documents Antarctic icebergs that meet ...
Bushfire rages out of control in Grampians National Park as Victoria's fire danger is set to increase in the first weekend of ...
Low-level airplane flights are planned over a broad region in parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Illinois to image geology ...
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