Children with CP often have a limited range of available functional movement and may develop overuse syndromes, nerve entrapments, radiculopathies, and myelopathies. Gajdosik and Cicirello (2001 ...
METHODS Normal values for minimum, mean, and maximum F wave latency, chronodispersion, and persistence in the four major motor nerves were established and systematically applied to at least four ...
Trigeminal neuralgia and radiofrequency lesioning. Brain. 2015;6(1-2):91-6.. As opposed to trigeminal neuralgias, cervical and lumbar radiculopathies have better prognosis with conservative methods.
A 47-year-old man presented to the emergency department with fatigue and a rash. Two weeks prior to presentation, he had noticed a painful lesion in his left antecubital fossa (figure 1), which had ...
More specifically, 143 symptoms such as left arm pain, and right neck pain are in symptom diagnosis; 52 radiculopathies are in the pattern diagnosis; craniocervical junction injury and 26 ...
7 In “MRI negative” nerve root lesions isolated cervical and lumbar radiculopathies may be detected by a modified recording technique of the dermatomal SSEPs. SSEPs can be recorded virtually ...
The overall incidence of neurological manifestations is relatively low among patients with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD). We recently encountered a case of autoimmune adhesive arachnoiditis ...
Little research exists concerning pain assessment in children with CP. Developmental differences such as cognition and ability to communicate significantly influence children's perception of and ...
Trigeminal neuralgia and radiofrequency lesioning. Brain. 2015;6(1-2):91-6.. As opposed to trigeminal neuralgias, cervical and lumbar radiculopathies have better prognosis with conservative methods.