"Playground," by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Richard Powers, is a brilliant novel about artificial intelligence and the race to save the Earth's oceans. The story involves a computer genius, a ...
"Nickel Boys" is based on the Pulitzer prize-winning novel by Colson Whitehead – and is not in theaters. Gino Salomone has more. Jeff Bezos' Biological Dad Didn't Know He Was A Billionaire Until ...
Philadelphia native Nancy Marie Gilliam, who was once nearly homeless, is nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for her play "The ...
Art Spiegelman, whose graphic novel about the Holocaust won the Pulitzer Prize, now plans to write one about the war in Gaza — though he knows it will inevitably be controversial. “I’ve ...
"Nickel Boys" is based on the Pulitzer prize-winning novel by Colson Whitehead – and is not in theaters. Gino Salomone has more.