The first of January ushers in a new year, a new month and new entries to the list of works in the public domain. While 2024 saw many popular intellectual properties lose copyright protection ...
A new year means a new start and for some pieces of media, it also means entering the public domain. In 2024, one of the most famous additions to the public domain was the first iteration of ...
The two classic comic characters who first appeared in 1929 are among the intellectual properties becoming public domain in the United States on Jan. 1. That means they can be used and repurposed ...
The title track from the hit play and movie entered the public domain Wednesday alongside a bevy of other songs, characters and literature first published in the mid-1920s. This year, Virginia ...
The two classic comic characters who first appeared in 1929 are among the intellectual properties becoming public domain in the United States on Jan. 1. That means they can be used and repurposed ...
Thus, every year, a crop of old movies (and other works of art) enters the public domain, and 2025's haul is better than average, both in terms of film and literature. Novels like Ernest Hemingway ...
A series of classic songs and musical arrangements have entered the Public Domain this year; here are just a few of them.