New therapeutic "cocktails" could offer long-lasting relief for treatment-resistant asthma and other inflammatory diseases of ...
People with severe asthma insured by BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois may soon face a new hurdle in accessing a treatment ...
With less than a week before the arrival of spring, allergy sufferers are bracing for the season, which will be especially ...
When he was 10, she noticed he was wheezing. She took him to a hospital and learned he had asthma, a chronic condition that ...
Millions of Americans experience seasonal allergy challenges each spring, with common allergens like pollen and dust mites triggering symptoms.
"A little bit of honey will help some people build up tolerance to the different pollens in the local area, and so that's why ...
Congressman Josh Harder (D-Stockton) has introduced a bill with bipartisan backing "trying to fight fire smarter." ...
Learn life-saving techniques to manage an asthma attack when your inhaler isn't available, from breathing methods to ...
Researchers used community input to design Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) air-quality model experiments. Community asked for ACT policy simulations that convert 48% of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles into ...
With funding on the line, Springfield is navigating the balance of helping vulnerable residents while building a more ...