Secrets of the Viking Stone follows Swedish actor, Peter Stormare (Fargo, John Wick 2, Prison Break) and history enthusiast Elroy Balgaard as they set out to solve the mystery surrounding the ...
Peter Stormare and Elroy Balgaard try to solve the mystery of a runestone in Minnesota whose authenticity has been questioned since it was found by a Swedish immigrant over 100 years ago.
Read more about Secrets of the Viking Stone 'It was like a calling': Peter Stormare on 'Secrets of the Viking Stone' After being translated, the inscription on the Kensington Runestone appears to be a ...
The trailer for the upcoming Until Dawn movie is finally here, and Peter Stormare looks a lot different than in the game.
When Peter Stormare contacted him about this artifact, his life took an interesting turn. He is now appearing next to Stormare in the docu series "The American Runestone" coming out in June 2020.