Chinese perch were obtained from a fish farm in Hubei Province, China, and maintained in aerated tanks at 28 °C with recirculating fresh water for two weeks prior to the experiments. All animal ...
Red Drum are robust, elongated fish with moderately compressed bodies. Their head is straight in profile with a somewhat conical cross section. Unlike some other drums, the Red Drum has no chin ...
Spotted seatrout are routinely called speckled trout or specks. Spotted Seatrout have an elongated, streamlined body with a slightly elevated back, long pointed head, and oblique mouth with the lower ...
Enteroendocrine cells (EECs) are specialized sensory cells in the intestinal epithelium that sense and transduce nutrient information. Consumption of dietary fat contributes to metabolic disorders, ...
Symbols outside the outer track show convergent/parallel amino acid sites. Group 5 (Perciformes). This group had at least three independent events of deep-sea adaptation (Supplementary Figure 5).