Meskipun banyak foto Taj Mahal, India tersebar di internet, tak ada yang bisa mengalahkan pengalaman melihatnya secara ...
TULUNGAGUNG, - Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (JJLS) di pesisir selatan Jawa Timur menjadi ... "Bagus sih pemandangannya, kalau di perjalanan lihat pemandangan tebing dan laut sekaligus pasti ...
South Korea’s detention centers have had plenty of experience at holding high-profile people, including former presidents and business tycoons. But this is the first time they’ve had to ...
SEOUL-South Korean investigators arrested impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol on Jan 15 for alleged insurrection over his bid to impose martial law, ending weeks of defiance and claims by Mr Yoon ...
Lantas, deretan fakta apa saja dalam penangkapan Presiden Korea Selatan Yoon Suk Yeol? Dirangkum VIVA Rabu, 15 Januari 2025, berikut fakta-fakta penangkapan Presiden Korea Selatan Yoon Suk Yeol, salah ...
Terjawab! Inilah alasan Presiden korea Selatan Yoon Suk-yeol resmi ditangkap, Simak juga kontroversinya. TRIBUNKALTIM.CO - Terjawab! Inilah alasan Presiden korea Selatan Yoon Suk-yeol resmi ditangkap, ... - Pada Rabu (15/1/2025) pagi, Korea Selatan mencatat sejarah baru dengan penangkapan Presiden Yoon Suk Yeol yang telah dimakzulkan. Penangkapan dramatis ini dilakukan setelah berbagai upaya ... - Presiden Korea Selatan (Korsel) yang telah dimakzulkan, Yoon Suk Yeol, ditangkap pada Rabu (15/1/2025). Penangkapan ini menjadi yang pertama dalam sejarah bagi seorang presiden yang masih ...
Prosecutors allege this amounts to insurrection—a crime in South Korea punishable by life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Ever since, Yoon has been sequestered behind rolls of barbed ...
Yoon had been holed up at South Korea’s fortified presidential residence in a wealthy riverside neighborhood in central Seoul. He was protected by the country’s Secret Service, which has said ...
South Korea is one of Washington’s key security partners in East Asia. South Korea currently has an acting president, Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Choi Sang-mok. Choi has been in ...
Your browser does not support the <audio> element. THE PRESIDENCY of South Korea can be a treacherous job. Past office-holders have been impeached and even ...