Meteorologists are predicting this may be one of the warmest St. Patrick’s Day weekends in years, with temperatures up into ...
Fort Drum, originally known as El Fraile Island, is a huge, now ruinous complex of concrete and steel that once guarded the ...
Many say the heart of every Samba School is their drum section. To keep it pumping in the right tempo, Mocidade Samba School's 240 rhythmists obey the many hand swings, flicks, twists and pointing ...
Pipe and drum bands will bring the sounds of Ireland to the streets of Ocean City, along with high school marching bands and an array of sponsored, festive floats. The procession will begin at ...
Our experts have tested over 80 kits to bring you this guide to the best electronic drum kits available today - the guide also includes full reviews, buying advice, video and audio demos The world of ...
Due to evolutionary pressures and the light spectrum available to photosynthesizing cyanobacteria on early Earth, the world’s oceans were likely much greener than they are today. Although the ...
Names associated with the ocean (or water in general) hold a special place in my heart. One of my friends who lives with his family out in California lives near the ocean, and all of them have names ...
A new ocean is being created in East Africa through changes in the tectonic plates -- huge segments of the Earth’s crust that move on top of the semi-fluid mantle underneath -- in the Afar ...
The third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), to be held in Nice, France, in June, could help to redefine global ocean governance. But the conference’s political statement — the UNOC3 ...
For a long stretch of Earth’s history, our planet might have looked green from a distance, instead of the pale blue dot we know today. Earth’s green period, which lasted from around 3 billion ...
This striking satellite image, taken from Google Maps in 2021, shows a bizarre, jet-black, triangular structure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. At the time, the mysterious object, which was ...
The world's frozen oceans, which help to keep the planet cool, currently have less ice than ever previously recorded, satellite data shows. Sea-ice around the north and south poles acts like a ...