Officials are touting data centers as an economic boon while acknowledging concerns over how the land is being used.
Loudoun County officials said they believe it's the largest seizure of its kind in Virginia. Loudoun County deputies have investigated hundreds of cryptocurrency cases, reportedly investigating ...
There are now thousands of federal workers who are suddenly thrown into the job market, faced with a daunting task. But a ...
An attempt to turn Oak Hill, the Loudoun County home of President James Monroe, into a state park nearly became history in ...
Amid the Trump administration’s efforts to slash the federal workforce, hundreds of people crowded into the Loudoun County Government ... Suhas Subramanyam for Virginia’s 10th District ...
ARLINGTON, Va. (WRIC) — Multiple former students at Loudoun County Public Schools are reportedly victims in the collision of an American Airlines jet and an Army helicopter that occurred ...
Loudoun County Public Schools is including funding for the school system’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility programs in its budget, despite pushback from two board members who ...
LOUDOUN COUNTY, Va. (7News) — The Loudoun County School Board voted against defunding DEIA on Tuesday. The vote was 7-2. Loudoun County School Board member Deana Griffiths proposed to defund ...
Monroe’s Loudoun County estate — the 200-year-old Oak ... to sell the carefully preserved landmark and its 1,240 acres to Virginia at a discount to become a state park. On Thursday, the ...