The warming trend that we've been dealing with has resulted in a lot of ice on Lake Erie and WNY's streams and rivers to start melting.
With the warm weather these past few days the ice on the Great Lakes is quickly receding. Here’s a look at how the ice cover measured up this winter. All of the Great Lakes with the exception of Lake ...
Great sunset shot from Sandy through the “ice dune bridge” from Sunday night. Next picture from Ray taken Monday, shows what appears to be a lot of ice in the lake beyond Presque Isle.
Ohio anglers received over 10,000 Fish Ohio pins for trophy catches in 2024, as celebrated by the Ohio Department of Natural ...
A board of scientists has proposed a system to monitor microplastics in the Great Lakes. Currently, there’s no coordinated ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - The highly successful Sea Lamprey Control program, charged with eradicating the invasive fish from around ...