In his book, Mohler, who is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, draws attention to a biblical teaching ...
Under the Cross stand Mary, his Mother ... the Lord continues to be our Lord and Saviour. The Church of Jesus Christ, his new family, begins to take shape. Lord, you descended into the darkness ...
He is indeed the king of the world ... and acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God. From the Cross he triumphs - ever anew. Lord Jesus Christ, at the hour of your death the sun was darkened.
Nearly a year ago this month, the phrase Christ is King became a source of division among Evangelicals and Christians in ...
Newark Advocate faith columnist Mark Katrick discusses the symbolism, importance and prevalence of the cross during the ...
These and many other questions will be the subject of homilies across many Christian traditions that celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Counsellor, the Lord, the King of Kings.
King is Professor ... When Jesus was arrested, women remained firm, even when his male disciples are said to have fled, and they accompanied him to the foot of the cross. It was women who were ...
The first three episodes of "The Chosen" season 5, which chronicle Jesus Christ with his 12 apostles ahead of The Last Supper ...
in which he describes some clues to accurately determine the time when Christ died on the cross, wearing a crown of thorns and a sign that said “Inri”. WHAT TIME DID JESUS DIE? - The narrator ...