A discovery in rural North Yorkshire provides an archaeological time capsule from around 2,000 years ago - and experts say ...
Hadrian’s Wall — the inspiration for Game of Thrones’ Wall — was built by the Romans in the second century A.D. in what is ...
A retired teacher was killed by cows which repeatedly attacked him after he was tossed into the air during a walk with his ...
A TEACHER has been attacked and killed by cows after they tossed him into the air and trampled him to death on a country walk ...
A 72-year-old was thrown into the air by cows which then repeatedly attacked him, an inquest has heard.Malcolm Flynn, from ...
Malcolm Flynn, a 72-year-old retired teacher, was killed by cows which repeatedly attacked him after he was tossed into the ...
A retired teacher was killed by cows which repeatedly attacked him after he was tossed into the air during a walk with his ...
If you look in a cow's eyes it will normally look away, it won't stare you out. If it looks away, it will normally disperse.
Malcolm Flynn, 72 from Carlisle was walking with a friend along Hadrian’s Wall when he was brutally attacked by rampaging ...
Malcolm Flynn, 72, was a member of the Ramblers’ Association and had been doing a route along the famous wall in sections ...