WhatsApp said that hackers invited their targets to a WhatsApp group, then sent them a malicious PDF file that would breach their device ...
Hackers can use Syncjacking to hijack Google accounts through malicious extensions, stealing passwords and browsing data.
Mizuno USA, a subsidiary of Mizuno Corporation, one of the world's largest sporting goods manufacturers, confirmed in data ...
US and Dutch authorities seized 39 domains to disrupt a network of hacking and fraud marketplaces operated by Saim Raza.
New research reveals how hackers are using Google to attack Microsoft passwords. Here’s everything you need to know and do.
Attackers from the Lazarus group used social engineering tactics to impersonate recruiters and gain access to systems in a ...
The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is warning that Contec CMS8000 devices, a widely used healthcare patient monitoring device, include a backdoor that quietly sends patient ...