"Nickel Boys" is based on a novel by the same name, about boys sent to the fictional "Nickel Academy" in Florida's panhandle, where they suffered horrific abuse. The details of the story were inspired ...
Nickel Boys”—director Ramell Ross’ drama that earned a 2025 Best Picture Oscar nomination—is coming soon to streaming video ...
This is a story of the survival and friendship of two Black boys amidst one of the true horrors of the Jim Crow south and a racist reform school.
The Academy Awards have picked up their pencils and voted filmmaker RaMell Ross in Best Screenplay and Best Picture at this year's Oscar ceremony ...
Nickel Boys, directed by RaMell Ross, has received Oscar nominations for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay.
Ethan Herisse stars as Elwood and Brandon Wilson as Turner in director RaMell Ross’s "Nickel Boys." (Courtesy Orion ... to play private detective is a fun gimmick that gets old awfully fast.