Thousands gathered outside the British Parliament on Monday night in a powerful display of solidarity with Palestine, marking ...
The Balfour Declaration had been formally enshrined in the British Mandate for Palestine, which had been endorsed by the League of Nations. During the first half of the Mandate period, Britain ...
Ron Eliran’s 13th birthday in the British Mandate for Palestine was canceled when authorities called a curfew. Now, 77 years ...
Jennifer Derr, University of California, Santa Cruz ‘Mandatory Madness is essential reading for anyone concerned with the history of Mandate Palestine and the history of the psy-sciences.
II by Jayantha Somasundaram (First part of this article appeared In the early years of the Twentieth Century the Irish and the Jews were unwittingly united by their military campaign against British ...
The Mandate for Palestine, July 24, 1922. These are Articles 5 and 6 from the British mandate for Palestine issued by the League of Nations, which was later ratified in Article 80 of the UN Charter.
representing the Jewish people in Palestine and the Zionist movement of the world, met together in solemn assembly today, the day of the termination of the British mandate for Palestine ...
One of its main organisers was Mufti Haj Amin al-Hussaini, then mufti of Jerusalem and a leading opponent of Zionist settlement in the British Mandate of Palestine. Famous today for his stridently ...
During this period, Palestine was characterised by a Jewish minority and an Arab majority. The British Mandate for Palestine, which began in 1920, aimed at facilitating the establishment of a ...