In the early 2000s, molecular data began to show an unexpected amount of genetic diversity in this “phylum of one” (Voigt et al., 2004; Signorovitch et al., 2007; Eitel et al., 2013). Ongoing 16S ...
bocki has a complex genome that is typical of bilaterians. This challenges the idea that X. bocki belongs to a more primitive, simplified sister group to Bilateria and provides a starting point for ...
This is an important manuscript that clarifies mechanisms of multimodality in a class of insect somatosensory neurons and presents a model for how Cl-currents underlie cold nociception. The authors ...
PATRICK STEINMETZ H umans and most other animals that belong to the phylum Bilateria have embryos that form three layers of cells called germ layers—ectoderm outside, endoderm inside, and mesoderm in ...