and now a happening indie area with some of Denmark's best restaurants such as Noma and Alchemist. A boat tour offers the chance to look at Copenhagen's architecture, including the Royal Danish ...
Studies show that your surroundings affect your academic success. The low level of noise pollution at these quietest cities ...
Mr. Spring was "known for his transformative leadership in architectural education," said Mahesh Daas, president of Boston ...
With its cobbled streets and historic architecture ... Plus, the Meatpacking District offers some of the best nightlife in Copenhagen. Imagine a harbor lined with brightly colored townhouses ...
DesignMarch, Milan design week and Dubai Design Week are among the architecture and design events featured in Dezeen Events ...
Christensen & Co. designed their new school building in south-east Copenhagen as a house for the whole neighbourhood. The ...
Journeys begin with a flight into one of Europe's least stressful airports and continue towards the city's signature blend of architecture ... often best enjoyed via a quiet stroll. Copenhagen ...
Aarhus in Denmark has been called the 'happiest city in the world', but what does that really mean? Adam Bloodworth visits ...
Downtown Bakersfield, east of Chester Avenue, is undergoing a commercial renaissance. A lot of people are responsible for this transformation — not the least of which is architect Daniel ...
This year heralds plenty of big-brand hotel debuts in locales that range from Venice to Saudi Arabia. But with a growing ...
Are you stuck deciding where to travel in 2025? Let the stars handle the hard work for you! Your Zodiac sign says a lot about ...