Stuart K. Spencer, a Republican political consultant who engineered Ronald Reagan’s winning campaigns for the California ...
The weekend’s pre-inaugural balls and parties reflected the exuberance of an ascendant MAGA movement—and the factional ...
“I think that now is the time to heal our country after the Vietnam War,” he said during a televised debate ... who had gone to Vietnam. Sen. Barry Goldwater, a Republican from Arizona ...
Stuart K. Spencer, a Republican strategist who took a washed-up movie actor named Ronald Reagan and helped make him California governor and, later, president — helping invent the modern political ...
Rockefeller, the liberal governor of New York, in the race against Barry Goldwater, the archconservative ... on index cards for use in speeches. In a debate against Mondale, Reagan memorably ...
Dear Editor, On Monday, the unthinkable happened for many democrats, Donald Trump was sworn in for a second term as President of the United States. The American people spoke clearly that they ...
Conservatives were starting to debate the old Reaganite consensus ... as Reagan distanced himself in much the same way from Barry Goldwater. That in turn, the argument goes, is why Reagan won ...
DeLoaeh has repeatedly denied the allegation that the FBI conducted electronic surveillance of the 1964 Republican presidential campaign of Senator Barry Goldwater ... during debate on the amendment.
"I think that now is the time to heal our country after the Vietnam War," he said during a televised debate. His Republican opponent ... was an insult to those who had gone to Vietnam. Sen. Barry ...