Som una empresa formada per cooperatives que va néixer el 2003 de la Federació de Cooperatives de la Generalitat de Catalunya ...
'En el primer mes de Trump com a president dels EUA, la primera sensació és la d’un vendaval furiós que aixeca una gran ...
La política aranzelària que vol implantar Trump sacseja la geoeconomia internacional El perill d'un rebrot inflacionista o el ...
Coordinating Minister Airlangga Hartarto stated that Indonesia does not have a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United ...
L'extrema dreta espanyola i catalana abracen el president nord-americà, malgrat les contradiccions que els suposa ...
A century-old gun shop located within 200 mt of the Kolkata police headquarters at Lalbazar, was searched and sealed on Saturday after one of its employees was arrested Kolkata: The special task ...
A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson emphasized on Monday that the BRICS is an important platform for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries, which focuses on achieving ...
Malgrat tenir un passaport falsificat d'alta qualitat, els agents de la Brigada de Resposta a la Immigració Clandestina (BRIC) de la Policia Nacional el van enxampar a causa del seu nerviosisme quan ...
SPAIN has refused to increase its military spending – the lowest in NATO – to maintain a defence budget of just 1.32% of GDP this year. Instead, it is ...
U.S. President Donald Trump issued a stark warning to BRICS nations on Thursday, threatening 100% tariffs should they attempt to establish their own currency as an alternative to the U.S. dollar. In ...
Brazil’s BRICS presidency this year will not advance a common currency for the group of major developing economies this year, four government officials said, but its agenda may pave the way for less ...