The Apple Dog meme, also known as the Dog With Apple or Dog With Apple In Mouth meme, was first posted by @brokenbyrds on X, whose Nov. 15, 2023, post went viral with over 6.5K retweets and 28K ...
Who does not love a cute dog photo holding an apple in his cute teeth? Who would have even thought the cute photo would transform into a hilarious meme and take the internet by storm? It all began ...
Apple is one of the most unlikely meme stock candidates. However, the Apple Maven thinks that AAPL behaved like one in the third quarter of 2020. Here is what happened. Today, the Apple Maven goes ...
Eve Jobs, the daughter of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, appeared to take a jab at her late father's company on Wednesday. 24-year-old Jobs posted a meme on Instagram that joked the iPhone 14 ...