"But in order to have access to all the subsistence food ... the average income levels in the villages to drop below $26,500 -- whatever the cost of living. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's office ...
By all accounts, the destruction led to ... connecting Alaskans to their state government. Two Tlingít villages in Southeast Alaska will receive apologies for wrongful military action from ...
In response, Alaska’s government made a monumental ... it seemed to work. All the village’s boat owners initially got permits, and “nobody really thought much about it,” he said.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The small, striped plane rolled to a stop on a snow-covered airstrip in a remote western Alaska village not far from where a crash just days earlier had killed all 10 ...
BOZEMAN – For Montana State University students, Alaskan dogsledding and pro bono accounting are all in a day’s work. Just ...