The recent escalation in the teachers strike at public-sector universities in Sindh has brought the spotlight onto a controversial amendment proposed to the Sindh Universities and Institutes Laws Act.
If a student is uncertain about an issue of academic integrity, they should consult the faculty member to resolve questions in any situation prior to the submission of the academic exercise.
Please know that the academic integrity staff will help students navigate these feelings, answer questions, explain the process, and provide information so that students can make a choice about how to ...
Attribution remains important: in the post-plagiarism era, we need to support students to both develop and demonstrate their academic integrity. Attribution is a key element of that process. GenAI is ...
As Bailey Kreft, a fourth-year in communication, walked into her Strategic Message Design class last spring, she expected to ...
An academic from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) of Dubai is among a team of researchers that has proposed a new ...
Academic integrity is violated by any dishonest act which is committed in an academic context including, but not restricted to, the following: Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas, data, ...
For privacy, you can exit at any time. What is an academic integrity violation? Academic integrity at Northwestern is based on a respect for individual achievement that lies at the heart of academic ...
In the age of generative artificial intelligence, it is all the more important to uphold academic integrity at all times by ensuring that lecturers, students and staff adhere to the principles of ...
The Faculty values academic integrity: honesty, responsibility and fairness in all aspects of academic life. Instructors, students and administrators are expected to be honest and responsible in their ...
Bad academic practice (BAP) includes lack of referencing, poor referencing or the passing off of somebody else's ideas as if originally discovered by the student. The university takes academic ...