Tutankhamun and his gold-laden tomb have captivated the public since its discovery more than 100 years ago. Now the story of ...
"Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures" exhibition coincides with the 130th anniversary of Biltmore Estate’s opening in ...
The discovery of artifacts near the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun may be the oldest known evidence of a ritual known as the ...
Local farmers discovered thousands of terracotta warrior statues in Shaanxi, China, in 1974. How much do you know about these ...
Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics announces layoffs, following an unfortunate trend that has been plaguing the game ...
The king's mummy and sarcophagus are missing from the royal tomb, which is the second of its kind unearthed this year ...
Crystal Dynamics is currently working on a new Tomb Raider game and is also co-developing a Perfect Dark reboot.
Archaeologists uncovered a Roman gladiator’s tomb in ancient Liternum shedding light on burial customs and daily life in ...
The tensions showed how right-wing Hindu leaders and organizations in India use historical grievances to fuel contemporary ...
Last month, archaeologists confirmed the discovery of the tomb of Thutmose II. Now, they have found another ancient Egyptian ...
The Egyptian blue lotus sold online isn't what you think. The real story behind this mythical plant is much more interesting ...
Archaeologists identified the tomb as belonging to a high-ranking military leader who served under Ramesses III, a pharaoh ...