If you want to contact the Bureau about a story please read our guide below first. This is especially important if you are worried about being identified. None of the methods listed here are 100% ...
Data journalism is simply journalism. The former is a new and trendy term but ultimately, it is just a way of describing journalism in the modern world. As journalists, we don’t think of data as ...
An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed serious concerns about poor-quality brands of a particular cancer drug spreading around the world. The drug, called asparaginase ...
Bureau Local is a people-powered network setting the news agenda and sparking change, from the ground up. It includes journalists, technologists, community-minded citizens and specialist contributors ...
For organised crime groups operating industrial-scale crypto scams, the UK is an ideal place to do business. Registering a UK company costs as little as £12, and Companies House does not verify names ...
The People’s Newsroom is an initiative to support the creation and sustainability of community projects that reimagine journalism. The news and media industry are failing to authentically serve and ...
The Bureau’s revelation that Roman Abramovich appears to have spent years secretly bankrolling the Dutch club Vitesse Arnhem while he owned Chelsea could not come at a more pertinent time. Abramovich ...