An IMF Team assessed the green public financial management (PFM) practices, drawing on the IMF’s Green PFM framework, and conducted a Climate Module of the Public Investment Management Assessment ...
In September 2024, an assessment was undertaken of the data quality of the public sector debt statistics (PSDS) of the United Republic of Tanzania against the IMF’s Data Quality Assessment Framework ...
Complex global economic challenges, and the careful policy responses that the world needs to foster sustainable growth and financial stability, were the most popular ...
新开发的数据集显示,疫情之后出现了一场十余年未见的严重住房负担能力危机 新冠疫情以及随后通货膨胀的回归,引发了一场十余年未见的严重住房负担能力危机。这场危机波及了一些最大的 ...
借款成本(尤其是住房借款成本)急剧上升,加剧了通胀统计数据与消费者信心之间的脱节 美国人终于开始对经济感到更加乐观了。消费者信心(以密歇根大学消费者信心指数来衡量)在3月份 ...
非正规活动遍布非洲城市的大街小巷。这些极富创意、嘈杂不堪的城市是求职者、移民和年轻人的聚集地,虽然明显遭受着交通拥堵、街头交易和非正规住房问题的困扰,但仍是充满活力的经济 ...
房价上涨正在给最贫困的群体带来压力并加剧代际冲突 房价在全球金融危机期间回落,此后又重新开始持续上涨。根据经合组织的房价分析指标,过去十年,经合组织大多数高收入国家的住房 ...
The Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body of the IMF, consists of one governor and one alternate governor for each member country. The governor is appointed by the member country and is ...
对于政府面临的住房可负担性问题以及其他住房难题,开展更广泛的经济分析可以帮助它们更好找到答案 最近,无论我走到哪里,话题总是不可避免地集中在不断上涨的住房成本上。不同的世代 ...
An International Monetary Fund mission led by Ivanna Vladkova Hollar held in-person discussions with the authorities during November 6-20 and virtually thereafter. At the conclusion of the discussions ...
Denmark’s nonbank financial institutions (NBFI) sector has substantially increased in size since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), becoming an important part of the financial system. Systemic risk ...
The pharmaceutical industry in Denmark has grown rapidly in recent years. This paper discusses the macroeconomic impact of the pharmaceutical sector. The analysis focuses on Novo Nordisk, the leading ...