Van Herwaarden taught courses on pre-industrial societies. Those who, like myself, had the pleasure of being taught by him, know how effectively he conveyed the importance of broad general historical ...
Maak geen gebruik van Copilot, adviseert ict-organisatie SURF. De AI-assistent van Microsoft 365 zou de privacy van studenten ...
Over recent weeks, opposition parties negotiated with the coalition over the cuts to education and research. Initially, D66 participated, but in the end, only the CDA, ChistenUnie, SGP, and JA21 ...
According to an analysis by HOP, there may no longer be a need for higher education institutions to cut their budgets for foreign students, as they’ve already reached their target. If the institutions ...
Sita Bierma-Zeinstra is hoogleraar Artrose en gespecialiseerd in de oorzaken, preventie en behandeling van de aandoening. Ze leidt de onderzoeksgroep aan de afdeling Huisartsgeneeskunde en is tevens ...
Een woordvoerder van de Erasmus Universiteit kon aan EM geen verklaring geven voor de lichte daling van 0,2 procentpunt ten opzichte van het jaar ervoor. “De Monitor laat een afvlakking zien en maakt ...
De campus is soms net een catwalk. Studenten vertellen wat ze dragen en waarom. Deze keer: Shelby’s laarzen zijn bijna helemaal kapot. Shelby draagt haar trui ondersteboven, een broek met een ...
Did you pay careful attention during the student protests against the Israeli attack on Gaza? Do you remember what the budget cuts will mean for the university? And what were those animals doing at ...
Eurekaweek will last three days next year. Image credit: Daan Stam Eurekaweek will last three days instead of five next year. This decision was made due to low participant numbers, rising costs, and ...
De afgelopen weken onderhandelden oppositiepartijen met de coalitie over de bezuinigingen op onderwijs en onderzoek. Aanvankelijk deed D66 ook mee, maar uiteindelijk bleven alleen CDA, ChristenUnie, ...
Six months after Jur flew back to the Netherlands under medical supervision, he moved into the dorm where he had lived before his exchange with Harvard. With no recollection of his seven housemates, ...
In 2023, the university organised various sustainability dialogues and declared a climate state of emergency. The organiser of the dialogues, Design Impact Transition, will cease operations as of 31 ...