Interested in working for Housing and Residence Life? Housing and Residence Life at DePauw University seeks to hire a diverse group of student leaders for the 2025-2026 Resident Assistant (RA) team.
William C. Clyde, provost and executive vice president of Manhattan College and 1978 graduate of DePauw University, has been elected the Salvation Army… Coursework in the chemical sciences prepares ...
Develop the leadership skills, critical thinking and experience necessary to lead in today’s world. Our brilliant faculty and co-curricular liberal arts approach make this transformation possible.
Develop the leadership skills, critical thinking and experience necessary to lead in today’s world. Our brilliant faculty and co-curricular liberal arts approach make this transformation possible.
A storm is blowing from Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such violence that the angel can no longer close them. The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is ...
Since structuralism in literary studies is largely of French origin, let this attempt to ruin its reputation have as its motto the words of a Frenchman, Pierre Bertaux: At one time it was hoped that ...
1. The Outside Observer in Utopia. The 20th century has seen the growth of the social sciences and the "humane sciences" as one of its more important developments in speculative thought, a fact ...
It is not that we are connoisseurs of chaos, but that we are surrounded by it, and equipped for co-existence with it only by our fictive powers.—Frank Kermode, The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the ...
When Baudrillard writes that we live in an age of simulacra, he is not wrong. The phenomena he describes can be observed in corner video stores, supermarket aisles, and neighborhood gas stations as ...
Thus art is a peculiar and fundamental human capacity: not a disguise for morality or a prettification of knowledge but an independent discipline that represents the various other disciplines [such as ...
Russell Hoban’s Riddley Walker was widely and favorably reviewed when published in 1980, with its language given special attention. Five American reviews are quoted on the front cover of the Summit ...
What I find impressive about DePauw is its smaller size and breadth of opportunities. In the classroom… ...