"Kiss of the Spider Woman," which premiered Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival, captures the poignant drama of the original ...
Jennifer Lopez was moved to tears as her new musical, ‘Kiss of the Spider Woman,’ received a standing ovation at the Sundance ...
"Kiss of the Spider Woman" was the biggest premiere at Sundance 2025. Jennifer Lopez appeared in a Q&A, answering a question ...
Kiss of the Spider Woman shines when it's a musical starring Jennifer Lopez, yet struggles in its prison segments.
The world premiere of 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' starring Jennifer Lopez and Diego Luna receives a standing ovation at the ...
Jennifer Lopez talked about 'Kiss of the Spider Woman' and why musical theater was her first true passion before pop music.
Entertainment Hollywood Jennifer Lopez teared up as her film Kiss of the Spider Woman received standing ovation at the ...
At the premiere of Kiss of the Spider Woman, Jennifer Lopez shared that starring in a musical had long been her dream, and it ...
A lavish, MGM-style musical is not typical Sundance Film Festival fare. But Sunday night Bill Condon brought such a ...
Jennifer Lopez brought a heady blend of 1950s Hollywood musical and gritty prison drama to Sundance with her new film "Kiss ...
The multihyphenate touched down in Utah for the premiere of Bill Condon's 'Kiss of the Spider Woman,' and hyped up the ...