Sheriff follows Sheriffudin Hussein (played by Zul Ariffin), a cop who catches corrupt officers, and is tasked to find the ‘Meth Killer’, who he suspects is someone from the Narcotics department.
7 Sep – With his out of the norm role in upcoming movie "Tombiruo: Penunggu Rimba", Zul Ariffin can now claim with pride that he is not just another good looking actor. The actor stated that his ...
Leading the pack is the action-thriller Sheriff: Narko Integriti ... who takes justice into his own hands. Headlined by Zul Ariffin and Syafiq Kyle, the film, released in April, earned an ...
Let's continue to support Film SHERIFF! Not everything can be settled." The movie, which stars Zul Ariffin, Aaron Aziz and Syafiq Kyle in the leads, tells the story of Detective Sheriff, who is on a ...