Vijay Singh disclosed post-round plans with his son Qass Singh at the PNC Championship. The tournament is only over with the first round and the final round will take place on Sunday. In the 36 ...
In a recent interview, actor Nassar recounted how Vijay inadvertently helped his son during tying times. Here's what he said. Vijay even met Nassar's son once he found out about the incident.
Tiger Woods and his 15-year-old son Charlie end the first day of the PNC Championship in Orlando in a three-way tie of the ...
At the time, the Woods team was one shot behind Vijay Singh of Ponte Vedra and his son Qass, who won the tournament in 2022. The ace put the Woods one shot head. Tiger Woods' list of holes-in ...
This is the first time they have shared the lead after the opening round, joined by the last two champions — Bernhard Langer and son Jason, and Vijay Singh and son Qass. Woods hit an array of ...
This is the first time they have shared the lead after the opening round, joined by the last two champions - Bernhard Langer and son Jason, and Vijay Singh and son Qass. The 36-hole event employs ...
This is the first time they have shared the lead after the opening round, joined by the last two champions — Bernhard Langer ...