A Raspberry Pi USB Hub! In case you didn’t know, Amazon has a series of electronics accessories called Amazon Basics — and they’re actually pretty good quality accessories. One of them is a ...
Invariably, manufacturers will refer to these products as USB hubs in some cases and as USB docks or docking stations in others. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to those names, and all these ...
Plugable, however, may have just changed my charging triage for good. Chargers that prioritize devices based on power needs ...
While some of the newer hubs reviewed here do boast 10Gbps legacy USB-A ports, USB-A is mostly seen in devices at 5Gbps, offers slower charging speeds, and is annoyingly fussy at which way up it ...
The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) has rolled out updated logos that ditch the perplexing nomenclature, according to a ...
The two devices that first got me interested in USB-C hubs were my iPad Pro and MacBook Pro. With the iPad, the attraction was a single device that could connect an external display, support Gigabit ...
Satechi's new hub for the small Apple Mac mini M4 has an ingenious cutout that makes it easy to access the oddly placed power ...
Its popularity has made USB-C a common sight on new monitors. A USB-C monitor can act as USB hub, giving you additional ports for connecting various USB devices, but the monitor’s USB-C port can ...
The Stand & Hub connects to the Mac mini via USB-C and provides three USB-A ports and an SD Card reader on the front of the ...