The event culminated in a lively Mushaira where renowned poets, including Iftikhar Arif, Anwar Masood, Inamul Haq Jawaid, Umair Najmi and Abdur Rehman Momin, recited verses reflecting themes of ...
Muhammad Umair, PhD is a financial markets analyst and investor who focuses on the forex and precious metals markets. He is the founder and president of Gold Predictors, a web application that ...
PETALING JAYA: National indoor hockey team’s captain Najmi Farizal Jazlan (pic) is shaping up well for the Indoor World Cup from Feb 3-9 in Porec, Croatia. This is based on the 29-year-old fiery ...
👨🏽‍💻 About Me: As a highly experienced Automation Engineer, I bring a unique blend of technical knowledge and problem-solving skills to the table. My expertise in web and desktop automation, paired ...
At a recent rally – its first outside Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province since the general elections – the PTI adopted a confrontationist posture vis-à-vis the civilian government and the military ...