Ukraine said one of its F-16 pilots shot down six missiles, which it said would be a record for the American jet.
Ukraine said one of its F-16 pilots downed a record-breaking six cruise missiles in one mission. That would show how much Ukraine's air force has developed, a former US F-16 pilot told BI.
Ukraine said one of its F-16 pilots downed a record-breaking six cruise missiles in one mission. That would show how much Ukraine's air force has developed, a former US F-16 pilot told BI. All of its ...
According to the Air Force Command, Ukrainian pilots have learned how to shoot down missiles with aircraft cannons in simulators in the U.S. but have never attempted it during actual combat before.
A Ukrainian F-16 pilot may have pulled off a feat no one flying the jet has achieved before. Ukraine's air force command said the pilot took out six Russian cruise missiles in a single flight. Col.