The Navy decommissioned four of its upgraded Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers before even deploying.
Seaman Kenneth Wood, aboard the guided-missile cruiser Hue City. (MC2 Matthew R. Cole/Navy) The U.S. Navy has wasted $1.84 billion since 2015 on rehabilitating its Ticonderoga class guided-missile ...
Currently, the Navy fields Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class ... "The Navy states that the baseline DDG(X) design, like the Flight III DDG-51 design, is to include ninety-six ...
The US Navy wasted almost $2 billion on a failed effort to upgrade its cruisers, a watchdog report found. Four Ticonderoga-class vessels in the program were decommissioned before refits were ...
The US Navy wasted almost $2 billion on a failed effort to upgrade its cruisers, a watchdog report found. Four Ticonderoga-class vessels in the program were decommissioned before refits were completed ...