Bollywood actor Boman Irani celebrated 40 years of marriage with his wife, Zenobia, sharing a heartfelt and humorous tribute ...
Boman Irani and his wife, Zenobia Irani, recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. The Bollywood actor shared a ...
Today, as we celebrate Munawar’s special day, his wife shared a romantic picture of them as she penned a sweet birthday wish ...
Pakistan's jailed former prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi on Monday appealed their convictions for graft, his lawyer said.
Pakistan's jailed former prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi appealed against their convictions for graft on ...
Pakistani actor Feroze Khan's mother, Sophia Malik, has confirmed her son's past relationship with actress Sajal Aly, describing their split as a matter of fate.Speaking in a recent YouTube interview, ...