Simmering urban temperatures are bad for humans. It's another story for rats, according to new research -- especially in ...
Cold Snap Chills New York City's Rats, and Heats up the Fight Against Them NEW YORK (AP) — This week's frigid weather has many New York City residents shivering, scurrying into cozy spots and ...
Jason Munshi-South, a Drexel University ecology professor who has researched New York City's rats, said those that are already holed up in subway tunnels, sewers, crawlspaces or other nooks can ...
Jason Munshi-South, a Drexel University ecology professor who has researched New York City's rats, said those that are already holed up in subway tunnels, sewers, crawlspaces or other nooks can ...
Norway rats can reproduce many times a year, essentially any time conditions are suitable, though they tend to be most prolific from spring through fall. Receive Daily Headlines FREESign up today!